I Opened a NEW Pokemon Card Gift Box (24 years later)


Opening a new Pokemon Thunderstorm gift box! It’s filled with old Pokemon cards and packs!

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Pokemon Play It Footage Credit: https://youtu.be/S2Ov-dhLakc

I Graded the Poorest Conditioned Pokemon Cards: https://youtu.be/gdFtwxv1Y-o

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► I’m Leonhart! I’m a professional voice actor having done voices on One Piece and more! Join me for the best Pokemon cards openings and unboxings! From searching and finding the rarest Pokemon cards in the world to opening vintage Pokemon cards, you’ll find the most interesting Pokemon cards openings here.


Jeff Peerman (SV-Cantilever)

Squirtle is almost always my choice! I loved the evolution line so much. Thanks for opening cool old stuff like this that most of us would never see.

Corey Rodgers

This is so nostalgic for me. I remember opening this when I was like 11. I’d have to say that the nostalgia is my favorite part of collecting again. Nothing like opening the same pack you did 20+ years ago. Thank you for this video Leon. Brought back some great memories.

Sweet Bit Gaming

Bulbasaur will always be my day one. Still remember getting a Base Set 2 Bulbasaur and was just blown away by it. Used to stare at the card for hours…..still do.

James G

I always chose charmander as my favorite starter, his introduction into the anime being left for dead has stuck with me since I saw it for the first time. It makes me think of the cruel real world equivalent of people leaving pets and never coming back for them… I think the charmander’s story should forever live as a reminder of the trust creatures bestow upon us, and how important it is for us to NEVER abandon animals.

Ross McConeghy

Thank you for all the wonderful memories. This always brings me back to my childhood days, getting new packs for christmas and saving money to go buy a couple to extend my collection. Im sad to say my collection was sold by my parents when i became too “old”. After the squirtle squad, I’ve always been a huge fan of Squirtle. It shows the mischevious side, but also the caring side after being helped. I would definitely pick squirtle if it was real-world pokemon. Thanks again for all of the wonderful videos. You’re a great personality to watch.

Ryan Fisk

Leon thanks for another amazing nostalgic opening! I remember opening this as a kid! Squirtle was always my go to Kanto starter! I love Blastoise and he always demolished the first gym which of course was Brock lol

d daisy

Bulbasaur was always my favourite! Was saying today how I wish I could go back in time and open a tonne of pokemon cards! Then came across this video! Love it 🙂

Jeremy Roberts

Charmander. Thank you for opening this, brought back wonderful memories of going to tcg tournaments back when the newest set was neo genesis!

Alejandro Alvarez

Charmander was definitely my number one choice!! I remember these decks from my childhood, so awesome!

CJ Saldierna

Been watching your channel for years and have always enjoyed these vintage rips! Charmander was my go to in pokemon red 🔥🔥


I remember opening this exact box and playing the CD. What a time to be a kid. I enjoy all your videos as I can tell you truly appreciate the nostalgia.


Damn this brings back so many memories. Thank you for this!
My favorite starter has always been Charmander.

Cosmic Dunsparce

I’ve always been a fan of Bulbasaur. It’s always been a very cute little toad and I just love how simple, and yet great its design and evolution line is.

Frank Ryan

I’ve been trying to save up to get some older nostalgic packs so that I can recreate my old binder I had before my parents threw everything away! I love the nostalgic openings you do!

Always picked squirtle because the show made him so cool haha

Nate Paone

I love watching your videos. The nostalgia hits hard! I have to go with squirrel! He was my choice whenever I played Pokémon red or blue version.


Squirtle has always and will always be my favorite starter from the Kanto region!! Keep up the amazing content on your channel, I never miss a video!!


Charmander is my starter! ❤. And wow this box took me way back. I got one of these for my birthday and absolutely loved the felt bag. I used the bag for my damage counter and coin holder. Then I used the deck for my local Pokémon league and won a lot with the deck to get the full generation 1 gym badges and used the deck into gen 2 badges before I got my Zard and used a custom fire deck afterwards.


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