With not long to go until the release of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, this new trailer gives us an overview of the new features, and Pokemon, coming to Nintendo Switch November 15.
With not long to go until the release of Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, this new trailer gives us an overview of the new features, and Pokemon, coming to Nintendo Switch November 15.
Can we have a moment of silence for bulbasaur and squirtle fans?
for a game that will be released in a week, they are still holding a lot of info
Charizard is the only last gen starter in the game. The amount of favoritism is absurb.
Seeing wailord innacuratley sized means his dynamax wont be the size of the earth like we hoped
‘Everlasting friendship’ but only till next game by which time it will get culled!
You can literally see the fire coming out of scorbunny’s forehead in the last few seconds of the trailer..
“Create everlasting friendships”
Until they are cut from the next game lmao
no one gunna talk about your character being Jesus walking on water at 1:18 ? no? ok
The beginning of the video: WELCOME TO SCOTLAND!!!!!!!
There should of been a Lock Ness Monster Galar Form for Lapris 😛
Wish we could’ve had more folklore Pokémon, like the Dullahan, or something.
3:00 This sounds different than the max raid battle theme. Could this be the theme that plays when the gym leader gets to their last/signature Pokémon?
I am so happy to see my Bulbasaur on a big screen…. Oh wait a Minute
3:40 does this theme remind anyone else of the pizza time theme from spider man?😂
I saw Mawile, I’m happy now.
Seeing Haxorus, Tyranitar, Flygon, Hydreigon, and Rhyperior made me incredibly happy to see they survived. Then I had a moment of silence for my other children that didn’t.
I kinda hate the dynamax feature, hope it’s optional
I think im less concerened with how many pokemon there are more worried about how much content pokemon lets go had very little content with its new graphics and all
Yes, Tyranitar and Hydreigon are in. Now I can reenact King of the Monsters. And Hydreigon’s left head shall be named Kevin (Godzilla fans will get this reference).
“Create everlasting friendships”… until your entire team from this game is cut from the next game because f**k you that’s why
“Galar is also home to familiar Pokémon”
Well, some of them…
“Galar is home to familiar Pokémon”
Yes just like all my favorite starters, like charizard, and… Charizard?
“Everlasting friendship”
I’m sure this game’s starters and legendaries will be cut in 3 years when gen 9 comes.
You know it’s bad when Thanos wipes out less of the population then Masuda
Is this a hacked version because all the starters aren’t charmanders
“Galar is also home to familiar Pokémon.”
Except you know, every past starter, legendary, and mythical bar Charizard, Type: Null, and Mew along with 60% of the other Pokémon from past Gens
Has Poliwag on her shirt. Yet, Poliwag isn’t in the game ;-;
Everyone:starter evolutions
Game Freak: GiGaNtImAxEd ChArIzArD
Wow those animations sure are stiff- oh sorry, uh, “New” and “Expressive”