#gaming #pokemon #anime #nintendo #streamer #nintendoswitch #pokemonscarletandviolet #fangame #smallstreamer
This is a fan-made Pokemon game “Pokemon infinite fusions”
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That Palkia+Darkrai can turn your nightmares into reality, literally.
This guy’s career was saved by a fan made game
Gastrodon has some really good specific fusions, you’ll know when you see em 👀
I swear, the deoxys/roserade fusion looks like a Digimon.
Please try Rayquaza and Darkrai if you haven’t already! It looks incredible!
Gyarados and hydreigon fusion looks like an absolute beast. I wanna pet it
Deoxys and Roserade would have been a great opportunity to reference Axle the Red, the most obscure robot master from Megaman X5, but the result we got is still pretty great
I’d love to see a short that’s just a bunch of reference fusions, like Dialga/machoke being The World from JJBA, gardevoire/giratina being from Neon Genesis, and rotom/porygon z being dogma from TBoI.
Palkrai is legit just a Bakugan.
Luxray + Arcanine It looks like he would run the whole pokemon jungle
you should try milotic and suicune! two of my personal faves but i bet it looks gorgeous
Haxorus + Groundon you should check out. One of them is absolutely amazing
I love that articuno+lapras turned into a griffin/hippogrifi.
Darkrai + Zekrom goes hard!
“darkrai has the best color palette, black and crimson” yveltal has left the chat
You got to do some more Blastoise fusions because there insanely cool!
“Slither Wing on steroids” was honestly my fave part. One my friend told me about how Sirius Black created an army of raccoons on steroids with the help of James Potter lol
From what I’ve seen, Darkrai looks good with pretty much everything… Only like 1-2 fusions out of the hundreds I’ve seen that I didn’t care for.
Slither Wing wasn’t just taking steroids, he was chugging them
Have you tried Bisharp and Deoxys yet? Super sick