NEW Pokemon leaks! New cut Pokemon sprites have emerged for the generation 9 games including Starter Pokemon, Mega evolutions and more! Let’s take a look at the latest Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet DLC leaks!
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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet –
The Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet games, the newest chapters in the Pokémon series, are coming to Nintendo Switch later this year. With these new titles, the Pokémon series takes a new evolutionary step, allowing you to explore freely in a richly expressed open world. You can experience a new style of adventure, with a world that you’re free to explore at your leisure and not in an order dictated by the story. You will, of course, journey to hone your skills as a Pokémon Trainer, but many more discoveries and stories await you. Meet a variety of people and Pokémon, and adventure in the world of Pokémon the way you want to.
On this channel you will find Pokemon news about the new Pokemon games, Rumors & Leaks for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Reactions to new trailers and much more! We’ll be keeping you up to date with everything to do with Pokemon so make sure to stick around to hear all of the latest news!
What do you think today’s riddles are about for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet? Let me know!
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I saw that Primal Groudon icon and instantly clicked. I’ve wanted the Primals to come back since Sword and Shield. Primal Kyogre would look incredible in Scarlet and Violet’s style.
Hope they bring back mega evolution is too much leaks I’m so hype for the dlc in general! Thanks for the news bro 🙏
I think the sprite link might be a reference to Zygarde:
– Charizard X = reference to Dragon type
– Primal Groudon = reference to Ground type + ancient origins
– Serperior = serpent (like Zygarde 50% Forme)
– Galarian Darmanitan = form change (like Zygarde 100% Forme)
Maybe our nature dragon is coming back in the DLC as an important part for the story
Love to see Eternal Floette gets in tbh, also a Eternal Florges and Eternal Flebébé because fand designs look good and love to see them two get an Eternal fork like its middle stage got, so yeah
I hope ALL the forms return! I want to especially transfer all the shinies from Legends arceus like my shiny alpha lucario & mega evolve it! Want the Gen 5 starters back too!
This just made me realize again how much I miss Ultra Necrozma.
Mega Charizard X, Primal Groudon, Galarian Darmanitan, Serperior –> First three are all alternative forms that were introduced in later generations and also changed / added a secondary typing (M-Zard X: Flying –> Dragon, Primal Groudon + Fire, Gal Darm –> + Ice). Might mean that we get a Paradox Serperior which is a Grass + ??? Dual Type.
Thanks for the shoutout! 😊 I’m putting a theory video out later today giving more evidence around what I said on Twitter about the 3rd legendary. I may have figured out its name by decoding the Paldean language, and it fits with everything we know so far including Khu’s riddle.
It would function just like z power and megas did in gen 7 you wouldn’t be able to terastlize and mega evolve at the same time. However I have doubts it’ll happen. I would love to see it though.
I think it’s a given that the 3rd legendary will have form changes. Every 3rd legendary since gen 3 had a form change
I think that all this is very interesting and I think these leaks are hinting to The third Legendary and southern Kalos DLC I don’t think Megas are coming back we are more Likely to have them back in Future XY Remakes or Lets Go Johto.
Dude, I would love for Serperior to come back. One of my favorite starters of all time.
I mean, Gen 7 made you pick between a Z move or Mega evolution for Rayquaza. They can easily do the same thing for Gen 9.
Bringing back primal sand mega would probably be the single greatest thing gamefreak has done since sun and moon
isnt there a bit of lore about the mega zard x stone specifically that mentions how its a culmination of charizards of the past who wished to be dragon type? I figure that they can work that into the lore of mega stones by tying that aspect of their origin to the third legendary and by extension further connecting Kalos and Paldea
One thing I think MAY be possible is that the Pokemon Home battling system MIGHT allow for megas. But I really doubt we will ever see them back in a game
I hope we get a version of the dynamax dens where at the end we can choose a legendary or the other pokemon
Leaks can be wrong, and I don’t think the hype is real based on past actions within the Pokémon franchise.
How it should go is,You can tera one pokemon on the team & you can mega one pokemon on the team but not tera/mega the same pokemon.THAT WOULD BE AWESOME I SAY! Thats what they should do,Everyone would be playing it like crazy!!!